Lithuania is the largest and most diverse of the three Baltic economies. According to the European Commission, in the next three years Lithuania will be the fastest growing economy in the enlarged EU.

Lithuania has the fastest growing economy in Europe (8.1% in the first nine months of 2003) and the most educated population in Europe (the percentage of graduates is double the EU average). It has one of the lowest corporate tax rates (15%) in Europe. ITT sector growth is rapid (about 30% a year) while other attractive sectors include biotechnology, industrial R&D, automotive components, textiles, wood products, food, hotels and shopping centres.

The country boasts excellent infrastructure, including the best roads in the region, 90% digital fixed telephony, an ice-free port and four international airports. The currency has been stable since 1994 and Lithuania is already meeting the Economic and Monetary Union eurozone criteria.

With its good geographic location, proximity to big markets, excellent infrastructure, low operating and living costs, and a highly educated labour force with competitive wages, Lithuania is an excellent base for bringing competitive goods and services to global markets.

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